To reserve the entry to the Monumental Complex of the Royal Palace fill out the following form Institute - Your Name (richiesto) City Nation Headmaster Headmaster Email Headmaster Phone or mobile Contact Person Contact Person Email Contact Person Phone or Mobile Date of visit (gg/mm/aa) (richiesto) Time of visit Number of students (richiesto) Number of Chaperons (richiesto) Note Privacy acceptance Upon receipt a confirmation email will be sent with all the information needed to make the visit and payment. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the Royal Apartments are closed to the public for parliamentary activities, however, the Palatine Chapel and the Exhibition Rosalia "Eris in peste patrona" are open. The proposal is aimed at groups of primary and secondary school, of first and second level, of the European Union. Please note that for every 10 students, a free admission is granted to one chaperon. To collect the free tickets, contact the ticket office showing the list of all the participants on the School letterhead stamped and signed by the Headmaster. To purchase entry tickets by bank transfer, contact the number 091/7055633 or fill out the following form. Δ